HCM Extract Output Name Date and Time Stamp can be achieve using the following formats:
%y :Displays the sysdate year in four digits: Example: 2019
%m :Displays the sysdate month in two digits: 01-12
%d :Displays the sysdate date in two digits: 01-31
%H :Displays the sysdate hour in two digits based on 24-hour day: 00-24
%M :Displays the sysdate minute in two digits: 00 - 59
%S :Displays the sysdate number of seconds in two digits: 00 - 59
%l :Displays the sysdate milliseconds in three digits: 000 - 999
%edy :Displays the effective date year in four digits: Example: 2019
%edm :Displays the effective date month in two digits: 01-12
%edd :Displays the effective date date in two digits: 01-31
%edH :Displays the effective date hour in two digits based on 24-hour day: 00-24
%edM :Displays the effective date minute in two digits: 00 - 59
%edS :Displays the effective date number of seconds in two digits: 00 - 59